How Young Men Keep Classy & Trendy in New Skinny Suits
As many grown men will attest, it can be quite a challenge to find an ideal suit – even if you love the fabrics and the colors, if the shape is wrong it’s never really going to work. A “normal” suit does wonder to hide the imperfections of the overweight, but for men of a slenderer build, that shape is all wrong. And considering how on average young gentlemen are typically thinner than their mature counterparts, a sleek shape is often what is in order.
Happily, a solution is not only available, it’s also the latest rage in men’s fashion: it’s the Skinny Fit Suit!
And here at Heritage House, we have many options to keep you both classy and trendy in a skinny suit.
If you are considering trying a skinny suit, here’s what you should know about the fit: for the most part, a skinny fit jacket should fit the same way as a “normal” suit jacket in that the shoulder seam should square across your own shoulders, the jacket should fall to the curve of your buttocks, and the sleeves should extend no longer than the base of your thumb. What’s different is the tightness across the chest. Most suits are designed for a fist’s worth of room between your body and your jacket, but a skinny fit suit hugs close and accentuates your chest and waist. Also, most skinny suits only have one or two buttons, ensuring your waist is really drawn in. As for the trousers, they too are often tapered if not downright tight around the ankles.
If you find you love this shape, you’ll be happy to know it can come in a variety of colors and patterns from some of the leading designers in Men’s fashion. At Heritage House, we carry skinny fit suits from DKNY, Maxman, and Tallia, among others. You can keep the tonal patterns traditional with classic black, gray, and navy colors, but we also feature more casually daring looks in tan and French blue.
When it comes to completing the ensemble, there are even more options for dress shirts and ties. Just don’t forget, you’ll want to make sure that your shirt is a slim fit too so it won’t bunch up on you. And lapels and a tie that are also slim will accentuate your streamlined appearance.
Pair your skinny suit with a shiny new pair of shoes and some hip sunglasses and you’ll be the freshest kid on the classiest block.